Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Great Mughal Emperors of India

The Great Mughal Emperors of INDIA
1526 - 1707

Babur 1483 - 1526 - 1530 (47)

Humayun 1508 - 1530 - 1540 -1556 (48)

Akbar 1542 - 1556 - 1605 (63)

Jahangir 1569 - 1605 - 1627 (58)

Shah Jahan 1592 - 1627 - 1658 - 1666 (74)

Aurangzeb 1618 - 1658 - 1707 (89)

Background - The Delhi Sultanate - 1211 - 1526

During the last quarter of the 1100s, Muhammad of Ghor invaded the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Qutb ud-Din, one of his generals, proclaimed himself Sultan of Delhi and established the first dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, the Mamluk Dynasty (mamluk means "slave") in 1211. Various Moslem dynasties succeeded the Mamluks over the years 1211 to 1526. They presided over a flowering of Moslem / Hindu arts, and were powerful enough to insulate India from the rampaging Mongol hordes in the north in the 1200s, though Tamerlane did get through to sack Delhi in 1398. The Sultanate period came to an end with the arival of Babur in 1526 .....
The Mughals were a Moslem dynasty which originated in central Asia. One of the secrets of the success of the greatest of the Mughal Emperors like Akbar was their religious tolerance, and indeed their enthusiasm for embracing all the religious groups within their domains.

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